Check out the success stories of people whose lives have changed with Ortho-K.
Nathan Age: 11
Our family couldn’t be happier with Dr. Zhao’s services. He is very compassionate and professional. It is very easy to set up appointments online or via phone. The office is very updated and clean. He is very knowledgeable and responsive to concerns and great with children. He provided my son with Ortho K Lenses. These lenses allowed my 11 year old to play sports without having to worry about glasses. He’s been using the lenses for few months with no issues. We highly recommend him!
Vaibhav Age: 8
Vaibhav started wearing glasses when he was in first grade and by third grade, his vision was changing very quickly. We were referred to Dr. Zhao by one of our good friends, whose son with a similar condition like Vaibhav had started Ortho-K treatment. They were very happy with the results they had seen with their son. We met with Dr. Zhao who very clearly explained the benefits of using Ortho-K and how it would help with keeping his vision constant from then on. He was very patient with us in answering all our questions/concerns. My son now wears the Ortho-K lenses every night and we are very glad that he can enjoy all his activities without worrying about glasses. Thank you Dr Zhao.
Ashley Age: 13
女兒Ashley四歲開始就跟著全家陪同哥哥姐姐們到愛迪生足球協會去學習踢球️和比賽,從此以後她也愛上了足球動。時代的變遷、科技的進步,讓學校也開始全面使用電腦和投影敎學,各項的報告和作業亦經常在電腦上完成, 因此Ashleyh從三年級開始戴上了近視眼鏡。爾後參加學校或校外足球比賽時,戴著眼鏡非常不方便,,加上普通眼鏡不合乎運動標準, 後來才又配了運動型護目眼鏡在踢球時候換用。 無奈護目眼鏡不僅不舒服,而且視線有死角,天候不良或流汗時也容易起霧,這些麻煩一直困擾著我們。 這些年小女孩漸漸長大了也開始愛漂亮. 不論運不運動, 上學或外出”戴眼鏡”本身已經成為一個大問題。
很榮幸地,在今年度視力檢查時認識了趙醫師,讓Ashley有了試戴OK鏡片的機會。 OK鏡片把所有的問題都一次解決了! 經過趙醫師數次細心的療程,用了OK鏡片後, Ashley如今已不再是四眼田雞,也不用擔心忘了帶眼鏡去上學 或是運動時有看不清楚的問題。在欣慰女兒恢復視力的同時,看到她終於又可以不戴眼鏡, 更盡興的享受上學、踢球️和坐雲霄飛車的樂趣,我誠摯的感謝趙醫師的醫術和親切的服務,也謹此推薦趙醫師給關心和面臨小朋友戴眼鏡問題的眾多家長們!